The Line Up Blog

Meet The Line Up Team: Brooke, Webstore Manager

Written by Meagan | Mar 19, 2018




Employee Spotlight: Brooke, Webstore Manager.

What do you do at the Line Up?

I'm the Webstore Manager here at The Line Up. I process all of the incoming website orders, communicate with all of our website customers via phone and email, and I get to upload all of the product that we offer on our store!

Why do you love working at The Line Up?

I love working at The Line Up because I get to speak with customers from all over the country and the nation, which is really fun. I just spoke with one of our customers the other day who lives in Germany! It's great to hear our customers and have a phone conversation with them even when they are thousands of miles away. I also love managing all of the product on our website because I like making it a faster and easier process for customers to order online! It's also super fun when I get to upload all of our new styles!

What do you like doing outside of work?

Something that I love to do outside of work is going to concerts. I just saw Halsey, and I just went to Britney Spears in Las Vegas. I love seeing artists that I listen to everyday at work, in real life!

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be?

If I could have dinner with anyone in the world, it would be Drew Barrymore. All of her movies are amazing and she seems like she knows how to have a good time! I think we would be best friends ;)

What is your favorite food?

PIZZZAAAAA! I could literally eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner (I did one time, no lie.)

Which #LineUPLook is your favorite and why?

My favorite style we have is Jolynn. The color combinations that you can do with this are endless! The dress is timeless and moves beautifully.