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Meet The Line Up Team: Allison, Account Manager

Posted by Stephanie on Apr 30, 2018


Employee Spotlight: Allison, Account Manager.

What do you do at the Line Up?

I am an Account Manager, so I work directly with the customer to learn what they are looking for and provide options if needed. I then work with design to make their idea a reality! The majority of my work is done on the Premier side of the business, creating custom garments that come from the customer's own inspiration. I also work as part of the New Product team here to develop the online styles that you get to purchase right online!

Why do you love working at The Line Up?

I love working at The Line Up because I have been a dancer all my life, and I distinctly remember the feeling of opening up a new dance costume and just how that felt and the energy surrounding that is so much fun, I love to be a part of that for my customers. So I love it when you send pictures, tell me what the team thinks, that makes my heart happy. 

What do you like doing outside of work?

Outside of work, I'm also really into dance fitness. I teach Zumba, I teach Barre, anything to keep me moving is my favorite thing to do!

What is the best place you've traveled to and why?

Turks and Caicos. Whitest sand and clearest water I've ever seen!

What is your dream vacation?

Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. I want to see this in real life, all the pretty lakes and waterfalls!

Plitvice Lakes National Park image - photo credit Jack Brauer via tripadvisor.com
Photo via Jack Brauer on tripadvisor.com

What's the riskiest thing you've done?

I once walked on a trestle train bridge with my sister and a bunch of girlfriends in the middle of the night. We thought it was so old and rickety that it wasn't in use anymore... We were wrong and had to run towards the train to dive off the edge onto a steep hill. We got really lucky... that was REALLY risky. I'm pretty sure my mom still doesn't know (if she reads this, we're busted!).

What's your favorite #LineUpLook and why?

The Cora! I think it is so pretty. Or maybe the Shay Floral Mesh dress..but that isn't even online yet!

Cora - Shay Floral Mesh
The Cora dress (left) and Shay Floral Mesh dress - coming soon! (right)



Topics: Life at The Line Up

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