Team: University of Minnesota Dance Team
Head Coach: Amanda Gaines
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Style: College Dance Team - Jazz + Pom
The University of Minnesota Dance Team's Custom Pom Uniforms
The University of Minnesota Dance Team dominated the UDA National Dance Team Championships, with first-place national victories in pom and jazz. We were able to connect with this 21x championship-winning team to learn a little bit about the inspiration for their custom pom uniforms and what makes this team so extraordinary.
Coach Amanda Gaines shared the inspiration behind the pom dress. "Our inspiration for our routine was the pride we have for our school and our team. Our costumes show how we bleed maroon and gold to the end. They connect to every Minnesotan and unite part of the music."
The team took the Sporty Mesh Pom Dress and amped it up a notch by adding a striking open back, applying the team's signature gold and maroon colors, and a custom logo.
Congrats to this awesome team on this major success. Check out a video of their national championship performances at UDA, and more Q & A with the U of MN dance team below!

What makes your team/group unique?
What makes our team unique is the energy we bring into everything we do. From 6 am lift, to practice, to performances, we are always being our genuine goofy selves and give 100% into all we do. We encourage each other from start to finish and make every moment our own.
What does teamwork mean to your team?
Teamwork to us looks like supporting and collaborating with one another to become the best version of us on the floor. We work hard for ourselves and harder for the person next to us, while never forgetting to make memories along the way. We love doing huddles and chants to get us connected and hyped up.
What is your favorite memory? What are you most excited about this upcoming season?
We have many favorite memories including performances, our bowl game in New York City and, of course, winning a double national championship!! For the upcoming season, we are excited to make more memories and keep innovating ways to change the game.
What is/was your team’s biggest challenge/opportunity this season?
Our biggest opportunity was how we decided to push ourselves in skills and strength. We had really challenging skills in our routine and worked extremely hard at refining each one. We really wanted to champion the Minnesota pom legacy and take the strength and endurance of our motions to the next level.
Images courtesy of the University of MN dance team
National Champion Pom Routine