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Competition Season Recap: 2017 North Dakota Dance Teams!

Posted by Katie on Feb 14, 2017

 Fargo Davies 2017 high kick costume

The NDADD State Competition and NDTC Nationals brought competition season to an exciting conclusion for our high school dance team friends in North Dakota this month!

The state has a small yet vibrant dance community that KNOWS how to do custom high hick unitards.  We've also noticed that these ladies aren't afraid of the velvet, which is perfect because we predict velvet is making its way back into dance fashion!   

Check out a few of the North Dakota dance teams we were proud to have outfitted with their #LineUpLook this season!


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Topics: High School, Competition & Event Recaps

Costume Planning: 4 Things You Need to Know Before Designing a Dance Costume

Posted by Katie on Nov 1, 2016

jazz and lyrical dance costumes

We know that planning for an upcoming season can be a challenging yet exciting time!  When it comes to your team's dance costumes, there are many questions. Where do you start?  What information do you need!  Luckily it's pretty simple.  All you need to get started with designing a dance costume are these four things: budget, time frame, quantity, and concept.  Read on to learn more!!

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Topics: Coaching Tips, Costume Design Resources, Planning Tips, Budget Tips, How to Design a Custom Dance Costume

6 Tips for Making Cheer or Dance Costume Reorders A Breeze

Posted by Katie on Sep 23, 2016

Western Michigan University Dance Team in custom uniforms

Western Michigan Dancers reordered their 2015 gameday top (left) in 2016 (right).  Photo credit: WMU Dance Team.

A new season means new team members - Yeah!!  What are they going to wear? If you're like many teams on a budget, you're likely going to re-use last year's dance costumes, but will need to order a few more. Maybe you need a few more of a popular size. Or you just accepted more members than the year before. Either way, a good costume company will be able to help accommodate your dance costume re-order needs!

Here are 6 tips on planning for your next uniform reorder:

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Topics: Synchronized skating, Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Dance, Coaching Tips, Planning Tips

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