We loved working with Chicago Radiance Synchronized Skating Club to bring their creative designs and themes to life this season. Synchronized skating teams tie their theme together with music, choreography, and, of course, costuming! The themes the Chicago Radiance coaches decided on for their teams for this year were delightful and strong, and were well reflected in their custom skating dress designs. Check them out below!
Topics: Synchronized skating, Character & Theme, Team Spotlight
Green Bay Southwest: Extraordinary Inspiration for Phenomenal Costumes!
Every year, we are thrilled to see what The Green Bay Southwest Troyettes bring to the The Line Up. Their inspiration colors, concepts and images for their latest costume projects were both vibrant and high style.
Topics: High School, Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Dance, Behind the Design, Team Spotlight
The Oshkosh North Dance Team's new uniforms "brought them to the next level" says Coach Gloria. We are so grateful to have had this team as one of our fantastic customers since 2009.
Topics: High School, Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Team Spotlight

Topics: High School, Dance, Competition & Event Recaps
The 2015 Midwest & Pacific Coast Synchro Skate Championships Were a Success!
The 2015 Midwest & Pacific Coast Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships were right in our back door this year: at Breamar Ice Arena in Eden Prairie, MN. It's not often that we get to see all the gorgeous dresses we produce in action on the ice, especially so close to home, so the events this week were extra special.
The Line Up goes International! Meet Eislau FSC Burgdorf, Our Swiss Synchronized Skating Team!
When the Switzerland synchronized skating team, Eislau FSC Burgdorf, contacted us about doing their 'Cool Dreams' Labyrinth dress, we were eager to be apart of designing a a look to properly represent the theme.
Topics: Synchronized skating, Team Spotlight
Adrenaline All Stars - Senior Coed Hip Hop-Thunder Crew Winner of The Line Up Award 2015 at the Maryland Cup
One of Maryland's most elite competitions took place this weekend and The Line Up was honored to be THE dance sponsor at EPIC Brand's Maryland Cup. So much talent, and it's only getting better! Check out some of the great photos from the day!
The NFL’s Newest Cheerleader Coach: Tara Battiato of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Topics: Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Professional Dance - NBA, Behind the Design, Professional Cheer - NFL, Rhinestones & Sparkle
Team Spotlight: Pelican Rapids High School Dance Team Uses Colors to Make Their Costumes Extraordinary!
The Pelican Rapids High School Valkyries Dance team has TWO new costumes for the season. Both of these costumes are striking and eye-catching!
Topics: High School, High Kick, Team Spotlight, Jazz, Lyrical, & Contemporary