Team: Washington Redskins Cheerleaders
Coach: Stephanie Jojokian
Location: Washington, D.C.
Style: Professional NFL Cheerleaders
Team Spotlight: The Washington Redskins Cheerleaders' Evolving Wardrobe
Topics: Team Spotlight, Professional Cheer - NFL
Team: RGV Snake Charmers
Director: Amber Uribe
Location: Rio Grand Valley, Texas
Style: NBA G League Professional Dance Team
Topics: Team Spotlight
Head Coach: Rachel Franchock
Location: Angola, Indiana
Style: Synchronized Skating
Topics: Synchronized skating, Team Spotlight
Team Spotlight: Hunnies Cheerleaders Heat Things Up with Their Fiery Uniforms!
Team: Hunnies Cheerleaders
Owner/ Coach: Christin Cox
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Style: Professional
Topics: Semi-Pro & Other Cheer, Team Spotlight
Every year we start designing our latest costume collection by doing a lot of research. We look at what teams are wearing at competition, what our customers are designing, and the fashion trends on the runway. Despite the diversity, there's always a few clear trends that emerge! Here's a look at 3 of our favorite dance costume trends for 2019 :
Topics: Dance, Costume Trends
Team Spotlight: BYU Dance Team - Killin' the Competition Year after Year!
Team: Brigham Young University Cougarettes
Director/Head Coach: Jodi Maxfield
Location: Provo, Utah
Style: Collegiate Dance Team
Team Spotlight: Boston University Battled It out at NDA Nationals with Their Gladiator Theme Costumes
Team: Boston University
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Style: Collegiate Dance
Topics: Team Spotlight, Hip Hop Dance, College
Team: St. Thomas More
Director/Head Coach: Nicole Letko
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Style: High Kick
Topics: High School, High Kick, Team Spotlight
Increase Dancers' Ankle Strength and Balance with These Three Moves
So many dancers and teachers focus on core strength when it comes to turns, balance
The health of your dancer’s feet and ankles effects the health of their knees, hips and everything else moving upward so I encourage you to take the time to work on these smaller areas as they can greatly improve larger muscles and structures of the body.
Try these three moves to increase ankle strength in your next practice and have your dancers try these at home while brushing their teeth or chatting at the kitchen counter
Topics: Coaching Tips, Competition Resources
Get to know Rozi, our product development saint here at The Line Up! She's one of our oldest employees, since back in the day when we were a 10 person team. She has dabbled in everything from - stitching, cutting, pattern making, production management, finishing to her current roll as a product development support.
Topics: Life at The Line Up