Team: Cherry Creek High School Poms
Coach: Megan Bruhn
Location: Englewood, CO
Dance Style: High School Dance Team - Varsity Jazz
Recent Posts
Team Spotlight: Cherry Creek Pom's Elegant UDA Nationals Jazz Costume
Topics: High School, Team Spotlight, Jazz, Lyrical, & Contemporary
Team Spotlight: The Portland Steel Cheerleaders Sparkle in the Arena!

A New Team Emerges
Watching football is a treasured American pastime, and if your anything like us, a favorite part of the game is getting a glimpse of the cheerleaders on the sidelines! The Arena Football League (AFL) brings a fresh dynamic to the classic american tradition with a faster paced and higher scoring game. One of its teams, the newly branded Portland Steel, is supported by the vibrant Portland Steel Cheerleaders. This enthusiastic team truly represents what it is to be the ultimate fan entity for their AFL Team!
Currently in their debut season, the Portland Steel Cheerleaders pump up their crowds for the newly re-named Portland Steel Football Team! These girls love their football team and its fans and work hard to show their support. One of the favorite memories of the season so far? On opening night, the Portland Steel Cheerleaders rallied their fans behind the football players and made their inauguration to the League a memorable one!!! The fans love the girls’ energy and amazing presence while they cheer on their long-awaited AFL Team!
"Our crowd has really rallied around the team and the dancers feed of the great energy," Rea, a member of the team, said. "Can't wait for our next home game!"
Topics: Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Semi-Pro & Other Cheer, Team Spotlight
Team Spotlight: Miami University Collegiate Team Skates its way to the Nation’s top!

Miami University of Ohio’s Synchronized Skating Team is an entity unlike any of it's fellow collegiate programs. This program is made up of three unique teams which cover all altitudes of skating abilities at post-secondary level: Junior, Collegiate, and Senior. The University is able to recruit skaters from across the country for it's many teams, creating a one-of-a-kind program for skating.
Head Coach Carla DeGirolamo talked to us about their top-leveled Senior Team who recently went to the 2016 ISU Worlds Figure Skating Championships for the second year in a row. Only two teams from the United States are able to go each year, proving this Miami University to be a power-house for our National Synchronized Skating programs! Coach Carla's biggest challenge? Getting this team ready for their competition season in a very short period of time. With this team being able to compete at the national and international level, it is clear that her and her athletes rose to the challenge and made their season a successful one!
Topics: Synchronized skating, Team Spotlight
Are you as ready as we are to kick off the next season? We know this time often begins with camp - a whole chunk of time dedicated to team bonding and bringing everyone together! It's the first time you get to show off your team to the world, so style and passion are a must! And camp tops have become an essential for sporting team spirit. So, how can you get the most out of your campwear investment, especially when budgets are always tight? Here are a few tips that prove a little extra planning and time could potentially save yourself some money and stress later! Read on to see how to make the most out of your dance camp apparel:
Topics: Team Apparel & Warm-ups, Dance, Budget Tips
Team Spotlight: New Division and New Designs for the Wisconsin Edge Synchro Team
This year has been full of new and exciting challenges for the Wisconsin Edge Intermediate Synchronized Skating Team. They moved into the national-qualifying division, which meant they needed to take everything up a level, from the music to the dresses!
The Music
Coach Sally-Anne told us a little bit about how they choose their music: “We play a variety of songs with different tempos, speeds, etc. during our clinics, tryouts and first few practices, and more often than not, the skaters end up helping pick their theme based on their reaction to what we play!” This year, the winner was a Bruno Mars medley! Now that they had the music, it was time to think about choreography and dresses.
Topics: Synchronized skating, Team Spotlight
It’s been a year full of surprises for Wisconsin’s Hortonville High School Dance Team! And we at The Line Up were thrilled and excited that Coach Kiara asked us to be a part of their journey this season, equipping the team with some fiery new pom uniforms for their state competition!
Coach Kiara also took some time to tell us a little more about her team: “This team is full of energy, spunk and fire. The amount of passion, heart and energy that this team displays while performing is so fun to watch.” This year, the team chose “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys for their song. This song highlighted the team’s passion so well that it inspired a new team motto: “This Team is on Fire”!
The Design Vision: Fire and Intensity
Hortonville’s school colors are red and black, which coordinated with their theme and new team motto perfectly. Coach Kiara said, “I knew I needed to design a uniform that matched the fire and intensity that they practice and perform with every day!” Working with The Line Up, she came up with a beautiful design that “made the flames stand out and sparkle!” A custom red flame design was printed onto the black and white garment with sublimation, and rhinestones were added for that extra flair.
Topics: High School, Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Team Spotlight
Chicago Radiance Skating Club is ready to heat up the ice! This season, Coach Nicole contacted and shared with us her design ideas to style her Beginner, Pre-Juvenile and Intermediate synchronized skating teams. She had a tall order: 4 new competition dresses. Let's take a look at the results!
Topics: Synchronized skating, Team Spotlight
Not long ago, St. Viator High School dance program was on the verge of non-existence! Through perseverance, drive and dedication, these girls revived the program and hired an experienced coach last season to push them to the next level. Enter Coach Lindsay Jones. With the guidance of Coach Lindsay and the determination of the team, this dance program has been reinvented in less than a year! We're certainly impressed!
Topics: High School, Cheer, Pom & Gameday, Team Spotlight
Team Spotlight: Chicago's All About Dance Brings Their Designs to Life
All About Dance (AAD) is proud to be a part of Chicago's thriving dance community, and is a studio passionate about what they do. They focus on hard work, but above all they strive to create a warm and loving community for their dancers. They are a family, first and foremost. And we, at The Line Up, were honored to have the opportunity to work with them for the first time this year.
AAD came to us from Jen Kopka, the Company Director. Jen had worked with us before at her previous studio, and when she moved to AAD we were excited to hear she wanted to continue working with us! We asked her a few questions about her new studio and the costume process and loved what she had to say! Take a look:
Topics: Dance, Team Spotlight, Dance Studio
The prestigious prep school Shattuck-St. Mary's is well-known for their hockey, golf, and figure skating programs, but did you know they recently added a synchronized skating program into the mix? Tucked away in beautiful Faribault, MN, Shattuck-St. Mary's synchronized skating team has worked hard to perfect their lines, footwork and spins.
Topics: Synchronized skating, Team Spotlight